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Hopes + Vision for 2019

I ran out of time to make a ‘top 9’ on Instagram this year. Downloaded the app but forgot about it. Must have not been that important. How silly we let an app determine our highs of the year. Most of my highs I didn’t even share on instagram! I had lots of incredible experiences in the last 365 days – lots of travel, met new people, started a new business, redid my JJW website (twice) and spent a lot of time at home with Chris and Kit and all my family.  I spent a lot of time thinking about a ‘work/life balance’ and still feel like there is no such thing. We take things day by day. Turns out, it’s all part of a constant evolution, which I’ve accepted and am fine with….there’s no other option, ha! Accepting that gave me a lot of mental freedom. Freedom to think about lots of other things, like how to tell my story better and how to see even bigger than I ever had before.

My favorite thing to do every week is to share my Inspiration posts on my personal instagram. It feels effortless to me. It’s the easiest way I’ve ever been able to tell anyone who I am and where I’ve been. From those posts, I made myself a vision board for 2019.  This quote below just about sums it up.

My hope for you in 2019 and beyond is that you embrace your life in all the easy and all the hard. This quote from Lord of the Rings simplifies life a lot – “All we have to decide is what to do with the time given to us.” If you don’t like something, make a change. Be surrounded by things you love and people who love you. Spend your seconds on this earth living well, pray to whoever you pray to, eat to nourish yourself, feel all your emotions, and be discerning with the decisions you make.

“Be as you wish to seem” – Socrates

Well that’s simple enough, eh? No more hiding behind your instagram profile. Nobody cares as much about you as you do about yourself. Everyone is too busy obsessing over themselves.

I hope my life this year is filled with lots of love – all kinds of it – weddings, family, wearing things I love, traveling places I love…loving and listening to people — because in the end, all we want is to be listened to and loved. I am a busy gal, but I have time to listen and I hope you take time to listen to me too.

Below is the motto of my life. This. If you want to know me, this IS IT.

Please forgive me for not crediting the creatives that made these images.  I hope all the makers of these photos allow me to use them for pure inspiration and just call it that. No intentions of stealing, just pure inspiration. I don’t know the intention behind all these photos, but I can only hope their intention was to inspire us all.

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